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Ross Welding Supplies Ltd
in association with
Kennet Equipment Leasing Ltd

Leasing has established itself as probably the most popular method of financing the modern equipment today. Almost any major item of  equipment can be leased. That means you can lease anything if you meet the finance credit checks. In fact, the value of the equipment can vary enormously from £2,000 to several thousands pounds...either way Kennet Equipment Leasing in association with Ross Welding Supplies can help.


Benefits include:

  1. Regular lease payments that don't increase over the term of the lease

  2. No need for large deposits

  3. Maintains cash within your business for future growth

  4. Tax advantages - all leasing payments made are tax deductable

  5. Quick decisions 

  6. Bespoke packages to suit your business

  7. Get the right equipment for your business from the right supplier





Kennet Equipment Leasing is one of the UK's leading providers of business equipment finance and asset leasing, enabling customers to invest in the very latest equipment without drawing on critical working capital.


Use our interactive calculator to get an idea of the overall cost of leasing your equipment with finance from Kennet. Just enter your predicted equipment cost into  our lease calculator and we will instantly show you a typical example of the potential costs.




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